Friday, February 18, 2011

Let's have a little muscle confusion!!!!!!!!

Alright my friends!! I have a great workout for you!!! This is a great workout when you are limited time!!! You can do this alone or incorperate it in your workout to up your intensity!!! You can also bump the sets to 3 and 4!!! That's what I am talking about!!! Enjoy!!!!:O)

Warm up: jump rope 5 minutes
2 x
-jump in place :30
-jump side to side :30
-cross over's :30
-rocket jumps 25
-speed skaters 25 each side
-UFC's 15 each side
-side lunges with arm sweep 15 each side
-back lunge with squat each side 15(stay low the whole time)
-half patty cakes 15
-burpees 10
-cross country ski :30
-high knee's :30
-butt kicks :30
-Seal jacks :30(jumping jack with hands slapping in front of body instead of over the head)
-fast feet 10 count then drop( do this 5 times)
-Plank position rows 10 each side
-v-sit crunch on a bench 15
-side raises with twist at the top 10
-inchworm with push up 10
-side lateral moving(move and pushup to the side three times then repeat other side) pushup 10

Try this out for size!!!